Tuesday, January 1, 2013

01/08/13-01/22/13 - St. Basils Cathedral

St. Basil's Cathedral

Lesson Objective: Students will know the seven lines of art, horizontal, vertical, diagonal, zigzag, dotted, and dashed. Students will be able to draw St. Basil's Cathedral using all 7 lines of art.

Essential Skill To Be Mastered: To draw, color, and cut out St. Basil's Cathedral using the 7 lines of art.

I Can Statement: I can create on paper St. Basil's Cathedral making sure to use all 7 lines of art.

Teaching Strategy: Day 1 - To begin the lesson the students are shown a presentation about each of the seven lines of art. During the presentation I call on someone from the class to identify each type of line that is shown in each slide. They will learn each type of line, zigzag, diagonal, horizontal, vertical, curved, dotted and the definiton of line in art. They will also understand that an implied line is not actually a continuous line that is drawn but one that they eye is able to follow, for example a tree line. After discussing line I will then show them pictures of St. Basil's Cathedral and ask them to identify the different types of lines in pictures of the building. They will learn what St. Basil's Catedral is, it's location, and when it was built. I will then give them a handout they can use to draw the building and give them instructions and write them on the board so they always have a reference to the expectations. I show them examples of student work and model easier ways to draw the building. Day 2 - On day two I give them their drawing paper and a printed copy of the building. Because the students have fears of drawing this building due to it's complexity I make sure to give them constant encouragement and hang examples around the room to show that other 7th graders have actually done the project with great success. Days 3-10 - I use continuous guided practice to make sure students are staying on task and to give encouragement when needed. I also give help when needed to those who are intimidated by the project to help get them started. The instructions are written on the front board to be used as a reference when needed.

Materials:PowerPoint Presentation
How to draw St. Basil handouts
Colored Pencils and/or Markers
12x18 drawing paper

Instructions:1. Using handouts as a guide draw St. Basil's Cathedral. Try to utilized as much of the paper as possible.
2. Outline completely using a black sharpie.
3. Color using colors that closely resemble the building.
4. After coloring, cut it out so that there is only the building.
5. Using another 12x18 drawing paper, design and color the background, making sure to cover all the white.
6. Glue the building to the background making sure that all the edges are glued down. Wipe off any excess glue.

Modifications: Do not take points off if drawing is too small. Help with tower placement. Give extended time to finish.

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